This production features three radio shows produced by the fictitious WAJC radio station whose staff and actors will present their respective plays while simultaneously navigating their interpersonal relationships. We begin with our youth production "George's Christmas Present," followed by the dramatic "Out for Christmas," and rounding out the evening with the hilarious “’Twas the Night Before Christmas.”
George's Christmas Present
Liz has a tendency to get into sticky situations and this Christmas is no different. While working on knitting a sweater for a Christmas present for her husband, Liz begins to wonder about her gift from him. After finding it and not liking it, combined with a less than joyful visit from her mother-in-law, Liz embarks on a journey to improve the upcoming holiday resulting in multiple hilarious situations.
Out for Christmas
Upon his release from prison on Christmas Eve for armed robbery and assault, Joe is on a mission for revenge against the police officer whose testimony at his trial led to his conviction. Joe gains access to the officer’s home under the guise of being Santa Clause. After spending time with the officer’s children, Joe has to decide between forgiveness and the revenge he has been dreaming of for the past eight years.
'Twas the Night Before Christmas
A New York newspaper reporter and a photographer sent on a Christmas Eve wild goose chase by their publisher's wife for two goats harnessed to a little red wagon, which she intends to give her nephews for Christmas. During a night-long search fueled by a few eggnogs along the way, the reporter and photographer run across the evening's most dramatic news stories.
MadLab Theatre is at 227 N. 3rd Street, Columbus , OH.
MadLab Theatre is at 227 N. 3rd Street, Columbus, OH.
Machinal (5/18/23-5/28/23)
Broken Daughters (12/4/14-12/20/14)
Memory Fragments (10/16/14-11/1/14)
The Playdaters (8/29/14-9/13/14)
The Third Annual Young Writers Short Play Festival (7/11/14-7/26/14)
The Fifteenth Annual Theatre Roulette (5/8/14-5/24/14)
A Girl Named Destiny (3/6/14-3/22/14)
The Air Loom (10/24/13-11/9/13)
FFN’s Octoberfest! (10/4/13-10/12/13)
The :nv:s:ble (8/29/13-9/14/13)
Aethereal Jest Arts Council is at 227 N. 3rd Street, Columbus, OH.
Peter Pan (Non-Equity)
Ohio Theatre (1/14 - 1/19) | ||
Funny Girl
Ohio Theatre (3/25 - 3/30) | ||
A Beautiful Noise
Ohio Theatre (4/22 - 4/27) | ||
Hamilton (Angelica Company)
Ohio Theatre (7/8 - 7/20) | ||
Kimberly Akimbo
Ohio Theatre (6/3 - 6/8) | ||
Weathervane Playhouse (6/12 - 6/21) | ||
The Hobbit
Wagnalls Community Theater (4/4 - 4/13) | ||
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