The Auditions will take place Oct. 17, 2021, in the Abbey Theater from 1 to 6 p.m.
The Central Ohio Theatre Roundtable (DBA Theatre Roundtable) has selected the Abbey Theater of Dublin to the host this year's Unified auditions. The Auditions will take place Oct. 17, 2021, in the Abbey Theater from 1 to 6 p.m. Theatre Roundtable is a Columbus-based consortium of community, educational and professional theatre companies that exists to advance the performing arts in Ohio.
"The Abbey Theater of Dublin is honored to have the opportunity to host the 25th Theatre Roundtable Unified Auditions," the Abbey Theater of Dublin's Theater Supervisor Joe Bishara said. "The City of Dublin welcomes the opportunity to assist Theatre Roundtable by providing our venue for both amateur and professional actors to be seen by Central Ohio producers and directors."
Auditionees will have two minutes for their audition. The two minutes can be used for: one monologue of considerable range; two contrasting monologues; one song of considerable range; a monologue and a song; etc. There will not be a dance audition.
There is a $10 fee to audition. Payment can be made online at:
Actors can sign-up for an audition time at the following weblink:
Technical theatre and other professionals (designers, directors, choreographers, etc.) are encouraged to submit their resumes to be distributed to the producers.
Theatre Roundtable is committed to the belief that knowledge of, and participation in, the theatre arts is central to human existence. The Roundtable acts as a lobbyist, promotes cooperation among local theatre, encourages the development of theatre-in-education, fosters theatrical diversity, works to expand the general theatre-going population, and endorses the development of professional standards. For more information, go to