A few months ago, Shadowbox Live premiered the second installment of their multi-media, multi-discipline performance genre, Gallery of Echoes. The production debuted at this year's Columbus Arts Festival followed by a limited run a the Shadowbox Live Front Street theater, and featured twenty local artists.
The overwhelming audience response was: "When is it coming back? When can I see it again?"
Shadowbox Live is happy to announce audiences will be able to do just that this fall. Gallery of Echoes: ColumbUS Public Art Project will be returning for a very limited run from November 3rd - 6th at the Shadowbox Live Building, 503 S. Front Street.
Make your reservations soon! The tickets for this short return will not last!
Gallery of Echoes: ColumbUS Public Art Project will run Thursday Nov 3rd at 7:30 PM, Friday Nov 4th at 7:30 & 10:30 PM, Saturday Nov 5th at 2:00 & 7:30 PM, and on Sunday Nov 6th at 2:00 & 7:00 PM. Tickets are $20 - $40. For more information or to make reservations, call the Box Office at 614-416-7625 or visit www.shadowboxlive.org.
Gallery of Echoes: ColumbUS Public Art Project is presented by Greater Columbus Arts Council, PNC Arts Alive!, and MillsJames, and sponsored by Baker & Hostetler, with media partner CityScene Magazine.
Shadowbox Live, a non-profit 501C3 performance ensemble, is the largest resident theater company in America, producing over 500 shows per year.
For over 20 years Shadowbox Live has produced world-class performances, spanning the artistic spectrum with sketch comedy, rock 'n 'roll, original rock operas, traditional musicals, drama, dance theater and new media; always putting emphasis on the unparalleled live experience.