Shadowbox Live explores the "dangers" of marijuana with the campy musical comedy, Reefer Madness! Based on the 1936 cult classic film, this wacky satire follows All-American good boy, Jimmy, as he falls prey to the evil reefer. Complete with new staging and updated music, Shadowbox Live’s Reefer Madness "is sure to be a mad romp into debauchery and temptation!"
Shadowbox Live presents the musical production: Reefer Madness, opening April 22nd at 7:00 PM and running every Sunday at 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM through July 8th, 2012. Tickets are $30 / $20 for students and seniors. For more information and reservations, call the Shadowbox Live Box Office at 614-416-7625 or go online at
Shadowbox Live is sponsored by Costume Specialists, Courtyard Marriott Columbus Airport location, Crawford Communities, Cup O Joe, Dr. Robert Lowe, Family Physicians of Gahanna, Genesis Audio, Outlook, Professional Eye Care Associates, WCBE.