This timeless Disney musical is based on the hit animated 1989 Disney film The Little Mermaid, which was loosely based on the Hans Christian Anderson tale. The show follows headstrong Ariel, no longer content to live on the ocean floor under her father, King Triton's rule. Convinced she'll only find happiness on land, she sets off to find a world where she belongs, battling a cruel sea witch and finding true love along the way.
The film earned three Academy Award nominations and four Golden Globe nominations, winning the awards for Best Song ("Under the Sea") and Best Score in both ceremonies. The soundtrack won the Grammy Award for Best Album for Children and the Grammy Award for Best Score Soundtrack Album for a Motion Picture, Television, or Other Visual Media.
The Broadway production appeared in 2007 under Director Francesca Zambello. In 2012, Director Glenn Casale was invited to re-imagine the show, making significant plot changes, introducing aerial elements, and featuring a new set design by Bob Crowley that emulates a pop-up book. Casale's changes are reflected in this production.
Tickets start at $29 and can be purchased at the CAPA Ticket Center (39 E. State St.), all Ticketmaster outlets, and online at To purchase by phone, please call (614) 469-0939 or (800) 745-3000. Orders for groups of 20 or more may be placed by calling (614) 719-6900.
Photo Credit: Mark & Tracy Photography
Diana Huey (Ariel)
Jennifer Allen (Ursula)
Melvin Abston (Sebastian) and the cast of THE LITTLE MERMAID