The Pirates of Penzance is Gilbert and Sullivan's fifth collaboration and follows young Frederic, an orphan who has mistakenly been apprenticed to an ineffectual but raucous band of pirates. He disavows the pirates' way of life and falls for the beautiful daughter of the Major-General Stanley, Mabel. But when the Pirate King discovers that General Stanley has lied about being an orphan to keep the pirates from stealing all of his belongings and carrying off his bevy of beautiful daughters, an "ingenious paradox" may prevent the budding romance and lead to the death of "The very model of a modern Major-General."
Directed by Kristofer Green. The Cast includes: Pirate King -- Will Macke, Frederic -- Nick Van Atta, Mabel -- Kristen Basore, Major General -- Thor Collard, Ruth -- Lori Turner, Edith -- Mackenzie Leland, Samuel -- Jordan Shear, Kate -- Dakotah Sellers, Isabel -- Grace Rinehart, Police Sergeant -- Douglas Gustafson, Ensemble -- Lexi White, Josh Kaplonski, Jen Patton, Sean Woo.
Pirates performs September 7th through September 23rd at MadLab Theatre and Gallery, 227 N. Thirt St. (Downtown) Columbus, Ohio. For more info visit
Check out a first look below!
Photo Credit: Jerri Shafer