This Italian farce revolves around the misadventures of a hapless servant who is caught in the intertwining lives of two Italian families. It features all of the elements one expects from a first rate comedy of manners: mistaken identities, pining lovers, and plenty of hijinks.
The Servant of Two Masters will be performed every Thursday through Sunday night, starting at 8 PM, from August 2 to September 2, in the Schiller Park Amphitheatre in historic German Village. As always, all performances are free to the public, but donations are always welcome.
For additional information, please visit
Photo Credit: Dale Bush
Tom Patton, Jack Dwyer, Allison Brogan, Ted Amore
Jordan Shear, John Beeler, Tom Patton, Ted Amore, Allison Brogan, Jack Dwyer
Ariana Cohen, John Beeler
Jordan Shear, Tom Patton, Ted Amore
Jordan Shear, Beth Josephsen
Jack Dwyer, Jordan Shear, Tom Patton, Beth Josephsen, Allison Brogan
Jordan Shear, Beth Josephsen
John Beeler
Dayton Edward Willison, David Warwick
Jack Dwyer, David Warwick
John Beeler