Thorton Wilder's Our Town tells the story of the everyday lives of the citizens of a fictional American small town of Grover's Corners through three acts: "Daily Life," "Love and Marriage," and "Death and Eternity." Narrated by a stage manager and performed with minimal props and sets, this show is uniquely suited for our King Avenue sanctuary. You won't want to miss this telling of Our Town, during its 80th anniversary of its Broadway opening.
The Cast includes: David Little - Stage Manager, Liam Michael Carr - Joe Crowel/Si Crowel, Dan Griscom - Dr. Gibbs, Patrick Worley - Howie Newsome, Ann Bostic - Mrs. Gibbs, Stephanie Stephens - Mrs. Webb, Zak Bainazarov - George Gibbs, Lily Billups - Rebecca Gibbs, Carson Kittaka - Wally Webb, Mackenzie Leland - Emily Webb, Madison Ryan - Professor Willard, Bruce Thompson - Mr. Webb, Elizabeth Sanow - Woman in Auditorium, Edward Graham Grudus - Simon Stimson, Erin O'Donnell - Mrs. Soames, Dan Whitehead - Constable Warren, Karen Sahlin - Samantha Craig, and Bess E. - Horse. Crew Hillary Billups - Director, Jeffrey Wyckoff - Dramaturge, Charles Osborne - Sound/Lights, Ada Swain Wilcox - Foley Artist, Jai Furlong Pierce - Stage Manager, Barbara Shoulders - Producer, and David Boley - Assistant Producer.
Performances run March 8, 9, 10 at 7:30 pm and March 11 at 3:00pm.
All performances are at King Avenue United Methodist Church, 299 King Ave., Columbus, OH. Childcare is available during the Friday evening and Sunday matinee performances. Admission is free, but a $10 donation is encouraged.
Check out a first look below!
Photo Credit: Jerri Shafer