Experience a journey to the heart of FABULOUS! As three friends, Tick (Jeb Bigelow), Bernadette (Doug Joseph) and Adam (Hunter Minor), a glamorous Sydney-based performing trio as they hop aboard a battered old bus to take their show to the middle of the Australian outback. Accompanying them on this wild, funny, musical trip is an outrageous cast of characters played by Shauna Davis, Tirzah Hawley, Elisabeth Tate, Will Macke, Amanda Cawthorne Short, Stephen R. Hanna, Denae Sullivan, Benjamin Hartwig, John Feather, Kara Hancock, Andrew Martin, Scott Raymond Clay, Carson Kittaka, Taryn Huffman, Anita McFarren Rhynes and Nick van Atta.
Performances are August 22nd thru September 1st at the Columbus Performing Arts Center, 549 Franklin Avenue, Columbus, OH 43215. For tickets or more information, visit: http://evolutiontheatre.org/
Check out a first look below!
Photo Credit: Jerri Shafer