Based on the New Line Cinema film written and directed by John Waters and set against the backdrop of 60s America, "Hairspray" tells the story of teenaged Tracy Turnblad and her dream to dance on the Corny Collins Show. Book by Mark O'Donnell and Thomas Meehan. Music by Marc Shaiman. Lyrics by Scott Whittman and Marc Shaiman.
Westage Theatre Co. & Carriage Place Players are partnering with Empty Bowls, a local project to fight hunger. Friday - During intermission, there will be a silent auction for bowls donated by local artists. Saturday - 5 p.m. bowls and soup event - for a $10 minimum donation, select a bowl and enjoy homemade soup and bread then keep the handmade bowl. All proceeds from the Empty Bowls events benefit the Mid-Ohio Food Bank.
Performances are October 20th thru 22nd at Westgate Community Recreation Center, 455 S Westgate Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Tickets $5 at the door. For more information, call 614-645-3264.
Check out a first look below!
Photo Credit: Jerri Shafer