Hosted by award-winning documentary filmmaker and renowned paranormal investigator Chad Calek and fellow filmmaking investigator Justin Holstein, the "SIR NOFACE LIVES TOUR" offers the rare opportunity to be among the first to see Calek's new documentary, SIR NOFACE, which chronicles the only paranormal investigation ever sanctioned by the Australian government and led to the filming of a full-body apparition.
CAPA presents Chad Calek's "SIR NOFACE LIVES TOUR" at the Southern Theatre (21 E. Main St.) on Thursday, August 24, at 8 pm. Tickets are $28.50 and $53.50 at the CAPA Ticket Center (39 E. State St.), all Ticketmaster outlets, and To purchase tickets by phone, please call (614) 469-0939 or (800) 745-3000. A limited number of VIP tickets will be available for $203.50.
In 2013, the Australian government contacted civilian ghost hunter Craig Powell with an unusual request-conduct an extensive investigation of Sydney Harbor's Cockatoo Island to determine if claims of paranormal activity could be substantiated. Acclaimed director Chad Calek ("American Ghost Hunter" and "A Blood Red Sky") offerEd Powell and his team the opportunity to document their investigation, but with intense scrutiny from Calek who would try to prove the tale to be a hoax. The resulting documentary, SIR NOFACE, chronicles the Cockatoo Island investigation through eye witness accounts and Calek's own evaluation. and igation that led to the filming of a full-body apparition, which for the first time in history, definitively proves the existence of ghosts!
About Chad Calek
Known for his unique visual story-telling style and poetic narration, Calek is best perhaps known for his autobiographical documentary American Ghost Hunter, which became the only independent paranormal documentary to reach #1 on HULU as the most-watched movie in America. It is currently the #3 most-watched paranormal film of all-time on HULU.
As a paranormal investigator, Calek has spent more than 25 years investigating the world's most haunted locations, searching for answers to the bizarre, the mysterious, and the unexplained. While known for capturing some of the most compelling evidence in the history of the paranormal field, Calek has also developed a reputation as a staunch "debunker" who has discovered rational explanations to many of the world's most famous paranormal legends.
Calek first burst onto the national scene in 2008 as the outspoken and often censored co-star and director of what would ultimately become a five-season run of A&E's hit reality series "Paranormal State." His on-screen popularity led to A&E's spin-off special, "The Ghost Prophecies," documenting Calek's unique life as the only known award-winning professional filmmaker who doubles as a professional paranormal investigator. Calek served as its executive producer, director, writer, editor, and on-screen focus which also co-starred his best friend, fellow filmmaker, and paranormal investigative partner, Justin Holstein. "The Ghost Prophecies" drew 1.6 million viewers, making it the highest-rated spin-off special of 2010.
In addition to the "SIR NOFACE LIVES TOUR," Calek's A Blood Red Sky documentary will also be released in 2017, as well as the Verizon GO90 platform release of the "Ghosted" series for which Calek serves as executive producer and on-screen co-star.
SIR NOFACE film trailer:
Photo credit: Courtesy Jonas PR