O.G. Productions has announced its 2014 season including their first full length production, Bootstraps by Ben Clawson, as well as their annual Valentine's Day and Red, White and Boom shorts festivals at the St. James Tavern, here in Columbus.
From the production team that brought you The Twinight Zone I and II and MadLab's The Downtown Job, Bootstraps tells the story of one night in the lives of four employees of the Branchhill Industrial Supply company - a firm with the motto "Nothing We Can't Get" - guaranteeing to retrieve and supply you with whatever you need even when all the ethical options have been exhausted. On this particular night the mythic and lauded position of Corporate Representative may have finally opened up and the two main heroes Mike and Loudjack will fight to secure their places for this cushy job with all the perks. But there can be only one Corporate Rep. The examination of what they won't do to get it is the center of this dark comedy about ambition, trust, and antique ice machines.
To Purchase tickets, visit http://www.madlab.net/MadLab/Buy_Tickets.html.