The NSA advises you on matters of sex, love, and national security in this hilarious world premiere by Don Zolidis. Showtimes: 8 p.m Thursday Mar. 24, Friday Mar. 25, and Saturday Mar. 26, Friday Apr. 1 and Saturday Apr. 2, Friday Apr. 8 and Saturday Apr. 9. Tickets: $15, $13 for students and senior citizens, $10 for MadLab members The Community Arts Fund of Columbus Foundation, GCAC, and OAC support MadLab throughout the year.
The cast includes:
Gabrielle: Colleen Dunne
Tom: Scott Douglas Wilson
Alana: Laura Spires
Dan: Casey May
Daisy: Alanna Gibson
Chuck: Scott Clay
Directed by Stephen Woosley.
Having problems in love? Sure you are! Fear not, the NSA is here to help! Now you can use the National Security Agency's techniques of wiretapping, code-breaking, and data mining to get ahead! There's no time like the present to embrace the surveillance state...because the surveillance state is already embracing you.