The series premiered on September 12 and runs every Saturday through October 10.
Columbus Modern Dance Company and Chamber Brews have teamed up for a video series called DUO, which premiered on September 12 and runs every Saturday through October 10.
CoMo Dance & Chamber Brews pair on screen, generating a unique partnership of auditory and kinetic art. This collaboration will highlight local Columbus artists over the course of five weeks - four duets between musicians and dancers, plus a final performance showcasing Chamber Brews string quartet and CoMo dance company as one ensemble. Performances will be released each Saturday on social media platforms for audiences to access virtually. Performance videos will be available for sharing and tagging after their initial release under #DUO, #ChamberBrews, #CoMoDance.
Week 1: "Viola in Roses" - Rachael Keplin (viola) & Bridgette Rawlins (dancer/choreographer) at Columbus Park of Roses.
Week 2: "Reflections of Glass" - Sam Johnson (cello) and Jessica Wheeler (choreographer) with dancers Kimberly McCalmont & Laura Puscas at Sharon Woods.
Week 3: "Until A Dawn" - Tom Fetherston (violin) and Kimberly Taylor (dancer/choreographer) at Jeffrey Park & Mansion in Bexley.
Week 4: "Falling Inward" - Devin Copfer (violin) and Laura Puscas (dancer/choreographer) at Gahanna Creekside.
Watch all of the previous DUOS at