When two women set up side-by-side lemonade stands along the edge of a busy highway, truths emerge from their comical and fantastical conversation. This comedy/drama, Lemonade, written by James Prideaux, will accompany the monologue Disappearing Act, written by Leslie Robinson, which takes an introspective comedic and dramatic look at the challenges of a woman trying to age gracefully. Presented by AdHoc Productions, the performance will begin on Sunday, July 15, at 12 noon, at the Westerville Music & Arts Festival 2018, hosted by the Westerville Area Chamber of Commerce. Festival location is at Heritage Park and Everal Barn, 60 N. Cleveland Avenue, Westerville, OH 43081.
AdHoc Production founders Leslie Robinson, Aynn Titchenal, Mony Carpenter, Kathy Hyland, and Angela Palazzolo, veterans of central Ohio's theatre community, will be involved in various aspects of the production.
Carpenter (as Edith Northrup) and Titchenal (as Mabel Lamston) appear in Lemonade, directed by Hyland with Robinson as assistant director. Palazzolo (as Val) presents Disappearing Act, directed by Hyland and written by Robinson.
The mission of AdHoc Productions is to discover, uncover, and provide quality live theatre entertainment featuring significant, meaningful roles for women.
For more information about the production, email adhoc1productions@yahoo.com.
Parking for the Westerville Music & Arts Festival 2018, which runs on Saturday, July 14, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., and on Sunday, July 15, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., is located at the COTA lot, Americheer (20 Collegeview Rd.), The Point at Otterbein University (60 Collegeview Rd.) and at the Westerville Sports Complex with complimentary shuttle service to the Festival and back to the Complex.
Festival admission is $1 and free to those under 16. For more information about the festival, go to https://www.westervillechamber.com/music-arts-festival