The CAPA Summer Movie Series, the longest-running classic film series in America, begins its 47th season at the historic Ohio Theatre (39 E. State St.) on Friday, June 16, with the Oscar-winning Bette Davis drama All About Eve.
All About Eve (1950)
Friday, June 16, 7:30 pm
Saturday, June 17, 7:30 pm
Sunday, June 18, 2 pm & 7:30 pm
Bette Davis, Anne Baxter, George Sanders
Flawless acting and directing mark this sophisticated drama about trust and betrayal in the world of New York theatrE. Davis glows as an ageless, eternally successful actress, and Baxter is unsettling as the unscrupulous young starlet who connives to unseat her. Oscar winner for Best Picture!
Clark Wilson, celebrating his 26th anniversary as official organist for the CAPA Summer Movie Series, will provide pre-show and intermission entertainment at the keys of the Ohio Theatre's "Mighty Morton" theatre organ beginning 30 minutes prior to show time.
The 2017 CAPA Summer Movie Series is made possible through the generous support of PVS Chemicals.
CAPA Summer Movie Series ticket strips, one of central Ohio's best entertainment bargains, can be purchased now through Sunday, July 23, at the CAPA Ticket Center (39 E. State St.) or Strips of 10 tickets are $30, a savings of $2 per ticket off day-of-show prices. Phone orders for strip tickets can be placed by calling (614) 469-0939. For more information or to download an order form, please visit Strip tickets are good for any film in any combination.
Day-of-show tickets to individual films are $5 and go on sale one hour prior to show time at the Ohio Theatre kiosk. Senior citizen tickets are $4. Kiosk sales are cash only.
All tickets are general admission and seating is on a first come, first served basis.