Shining City is a psychological thriller set in Dublin. The story follows a guilt-ridden man who reaches out to his therapist after seeing the ghost of his recently deceased wife. Wrestling with his own demons, the therapist can only do so much to help. Routine visits between the two men quickly become a gripping struggle to survive, changing both of them for the rest of their lives. 2006 Tony Award nominee for Best Play. "A beautiful piece...wonderful." - Variety; "quiet, haunting and absolutely glorious play by Conor McPherson" - New York Times
Show times Fridays and Saturdays 8pm; Sundays at 3pm
Quiereme Hasta La Locura (Love me until madness)
LatinUs Theater Company (2/14 - 3/2) COMEDY | ||
Adès Conducts Adès
Severance Music Center (2/20 - 2/22) | ||
Also Sprach Zarathustra
Severance Music Center (2/7 - 2/9) | ||
Under a Baseball Sky
Studio Theater (4/4 - 5/4) | ||
Mozart’s Symphony No. 40
Severance Music Center (5/8 - 5/10) | ||
The Tempest by William Shakespeare
Studio Theater (2/28 - 3/9) | ||
A Chorus Line
Senney Theater (7/11 - 8/10) | ||
The Music of John Williams
Severance Music Center (2/14 - 2/16) | ||
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