Honk! is a musical adaptation of the Hans Christian Andersen story The Ugly Duckling. This is the story of Ugly, whose odd, gawky looks instantly incite prejudice from his family and other barnyard creatures. Separated from the farm and pursued by a hungry Cat, Ugly must find his way home. Along his rollicking and harrowing journey he not only discovers his true beauty and glorious destiny, but also finds love and acceptance in all its forms. Aimed primarily at children and their parents, the musical incorporates a message of tolerance.
The original London production won the 2000 Laurence Olivier Award for Best Musical.
Quiereme Hasta La Locura (Love me until madness)
LatinUs Theater Company (2/14 - 3/2) COMEDY | ||
An Evening with Cynthia Erivo
Blossom Music Center (7/27 - 7/27) | ||
Haydn & Stravinsky
Severance Music Center (3/14 - 3/14) | ||
The Robber Bridegroom
Studio Theater (5/30 - 6/29) | ||
The Lion King Live in Concert
Blossom Music Center (8/29 - 8/31) | ||
Jersey Boys
Weathervane Playhouse, Akron (2/27 - 3/30) | ||
The Tempest by William Shakespeare
Studio Theater (2/28 - 3/9) | ||
Bruckner’s Seventh
Severance Music Center (2/13 - 2/15) | ||
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