The Shaker Heights High School Theatre Arts Department presents the thirty-seventh festival of new plays, written, directed, performed and co-produced by students, Stages 37: Shaker New Plays Series, March 13, 14, 15 & 16 at 7 PM with a 9:15 PM show on Friday, March 15, in our intimate black box theatre, Stage 3. Six ten-minute plays will be presented as part of a full season of theatrical events, which began with Pippin and concludes with As You Wish: A Spring Ensemble Show, in April.
Part of our "Giving Voice" series, New Stages, has proven to be a successful and enriching opportunity for the students and educators who have been a part of it. This program utilizes teachers within the school and artists within the greater community to foster a cooperative, creative environment in which students' ideas and writing are shaped into performed and published works.
"Giving Voice," celebrates New Stages and the processes which created it, and has over the years, enjoyed success with productions at professional theatres including Cleveland's Dobama Theatre and The Blank Theatre in Los Angeles; and in 2016, in publishing in A Race Anthology (GTK Press).
New Stages 37, as well as all of four mainstage shows, is a co-curricular production that engages students enrolled in all six areas of the Theatre Arts Department curriculum: 1) the ensemble actor training program; 2) the writing program; 3) the guest artist, alumni, and community engagement program; 4) the Shakespeare/classical learning program; 5) the production training program; and 6) the technical studies program. Although student schedules are becoming Increasingly tight making it challenging for students to take electives, the production also features students not enrolled in classes.
The New Stages 37 Bill
Written by: Julia Schmitt-Palumbo
Directed by: Harlan Friedman-Romell
Assisted by: Jordan Heard
Chris: Rian Perham
Leah: Mary Grace Wilkinson
9:50 to Close
Written by: Adonis Fryer
Directed by: Hallie Dial
Assisted by: Bronwyn Warnock
Tina: Madeline McKenney
Jerry: Aiden Sax
Written by: Harlan Friedman-Romell
Directed by: Mone't Bouie
Assisted by: Julia Schmitt-Palumbo
Ed: Colin Frothingham
Tom: Isaiah Finley
Priest: Miles McCallum
Honest Imagination
Written by: Nasir Rivers
Directed by: Mikayla Rogers
Assisted by: Greyson Thorman
Danielle: Nora Konrad
Benjamin: Henry Harte
Mother: Ima Umosen
Operation Perfect
Written by: Mone't Bouie
Directed by: Natalily Kyremes-Parks
Assisted by: Adonis Fryer
Jade: Sara Dina
Morgan: Katrina Cassell
Cammie: Natalie Green
Birth of A Salesman
Written by: Greyson Thorman
Directed by: Emilie Evans
Assisted by: Char Cupp
Lenny: Benjamin Rakow
Jonathan: Christos Iannou
The New Stages 37 Production Team (to date, more roles to be filled)
Production Manager
Parker Jarrett
Assistant Production Manager
Meredith Pope
Sound Board Operator
Quinn Scanlon
Lighting Board Operator
Louise Spadoni
House Manager
Zenzele Pelligree
MOM Gallery Coordinator
Sara Dina
Julie Larick
Jordan Randall
Concessions Manager/Flower Manager
Kiera Demian
Tickets may be purchased at beginning in mid-March. Online sales will close at 1pm daily on each day of the production. Tickets may also be purchased at the box office one hour before each performance.
Please note that New Stages performances typically sell out, and, due to the size of the space, there is no standing room. We request that you kindly return any unused tickets so that we may seat those on the waiting list. There are no refunds. Follow us on Facebook to find out when tickets go on sale!