"Silent Sky" by Lauren Gunderson and directed by Curt Arnold presents the real-life story of Henrietta Leavitt and the women working behind the scenes at the dawn of modern astronomy. Henrietta leaves her family in Wisconsin to join a group of women "computers" at the Harvard Observatory in the early 1900s, where she is not even allowed to touch a telescope or express an original idea. Balancing her dedication to science with family obligations and the possibility of love, she makes a breakthrough discovery that enables astronomers to calculate the distance between Earth and remote galaxies and stars. A celestial romance and true story of discovery. Featured in our cast are Brittany Nicole Gaul as Henrietta Leavitt, Jill Kenderes as Margaret Leavitt, Andrew Keller as Peter Shaw, Pam Matthews as Annie Cannon and Molly Clay as Williamina Fleming.
The show dates are March 9 - 31, 2018 on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8pm and Sunday at 2pm. Show tickets are $16 for adults, $15 for seniors (60+), and $10 for students (any age with a valid ID) and may be purchased by calling the Box Office 440-331-0403 Wed.-Sat. 1-6pm or visiting our website: www.clagueplayhouse.org.
FREE STUDENT TICKET THURSDAYS: limited FREE Student Tickets (high school and college) are available by calling the Box Office at 440-331-0403 to reserve for any Clague Playhouse Thursday performance, and showing a Student ID at the time of ticket pickup. No online reservations can be taken for these free tickets. Free Student Ticket Thursdays are subject to availability and must be picked up by 7:30 pm the night of the performance or will be released.