Four-minute modules featuring mindfulness prompts and classical music performed by The Cleveland Orchestra brings calm and focus to every school day.
Today, The Cleveland Orchestra announced that its Mindful Music Moments program will be available to all Northeast Ohio schools (pre-K through grade 12) for free during the upcoming academic year. This innovative musical tool for social-emotional wellbeing was created through a partnership with The Well, providing students with a four-minute daily dose of classical music performed by The Cleveland Orchestra coupled with mindfulness techniques delivered through participating schools' morning announcements or virtual learning.
Involvement in this program creates a calm and focused start to each school day, endeavoring to reduce anxiety, foster a beneficial learning environment, nurture a positive association with classical music, and expand access to music through recordings by The Cleveland Orchestra. Currently, more than 50,000 students in over 50 schools across Northeast Ohio experience The Cleveland Orchestra's Mindful Music Moments every school day. This fall, the program will also be available for young people at the Boys & Girls Club of Northeast Ohio.
For an example, visit The Cleveland Orchestra's YouTube channel or watch this story from PBS Newshour.
Pre-schools can register for Mindful Music Moments at K-12 schools can register at Benefits include:
·An easy-to-use web link
·A daily ritual of calm and focus to support learning without sacrificing academic time
·Access to a unique password for the entire school community so the program can also be used by students at home or virtual environments
·Free classroom support materials
·Mindfulness training and support for staff, parents, and volunteers
Student testimonials
"When I listen to Mindful Music [Moments], it is very peaceful and calming. I can clear my head while I am listening to the relaxing music . . . I am ready to calm down and learn." - Abrie, 6th grade
". . . it helps me focus better." - Luke D, 6th grade
"When I hear those sweet tunes, I feel relaxed and great . . . Before I go to bed, I await the days that we listen to Mindful Music Moments." - Parker M, 6th grade.
The Cleveland Orchestra's Education and Community Programs Serving Northeast Ohio
The Cleveland Orchestra's commitment to education and community service was central to the establishment of the Orchestra in 1918, and has never been more important. Over the past hundred years, The Cleveland Orchestra has introduced more than four million young people to symphonic music through live concert experiences. Today, with the support of many generous individual, foundation, corporate, and governmental funding partners, the Orchestra's education and community programs in recent years have reached more than 100,000 young people and adults annually, helping to foster a lifelong relationship with music. Now in his 20th season, Music Director Franz Welser-Mӧst is leading the Orchestra with a renewed commitment to music education and community engagement based on his belief that every child's life should include music. He continues to emphasize that the arts are critical to a well-rounded education and that learning is a lifelong pursuit and journey.
As they look to the future, they strive to be Cleveland's Orchestra, engaging their diverse citizenry and building community through music, removing barriers to participation, advocating for and helping to facilitate equitable access to comprehensive music education in schools, nurturing the next generation of musicians and audience members, and harnessing the life-changing power of music to make the world a better place through new initiatives developed for even greater impact. For more information, please visit these links: Education, Community, and Learning Resources.