Board statement: "On the afternoon of May 9th Ensemble Theatre was notified by the Cleveland Heights-University Heights School District that all building leases would be moved to a month-to-month term beginning July 1st and the District would begin to pursue selling the building.
Ensemble's priority at this time is to continue to serve the community through our mission of theatrical presentations, educational programming, and by providing a safe and positive community gathering place. It is our hope the CH-UH School Board shares our commitment to the community and understands the benefits of having an institution such as Ensemble Theatre present within their district.
As an anchor tenant in the Coventry building, we look forward to working with the CH-UH School District on a tenable solution that takes into account a realistic timeline to address a "possible" change in venue that will allow us to continue providing artistic and educational opportunities to the Cleveland Heights community and the surrounding region, as we have done for the past four decades."