Song of Sankofa showcases the ensemble work of eight young artists who are currently navigating the balance between the worlds of childhood and adulthood.
Cleveland Public Theatre's Executive Artistic Director Raymond Bobgan will present the return of CPT's celebrated Student Theatre Enrichment Program, Cleveland's longest-running arts and job training program for teens. STEP returns to outdoor venues this summer, celebrating its comeback to in-person performances with an original play, Song of Sankofa.
After a relocation from her idyllic homeland and the death of a loved one, Jetta, a once free-spirited teenage girl, embarks on a journey through the natural world to recapture the magic of her fading childhood. Led by her childhood companion and a reluctant spiritual guide, Jetta learns the connection between youth and the natural world is deeper and more mystical than even she imagined.
Song of Sankofa showcases the ensemble work of eight young artists who are currently navigating the balance between the worlds of childhood and adulthood.
CPT's Student Theatre Enrichment Program (STEP) is a rigorous arts-based program that provides hands-on job training, engaging Cleveland youth from families defined as low-income in a powerful learning experience that develops job skills, academic achievement, and interpersonal skills. As part of this eight-week summer program, youth, ages 14-19, work together to create, produce, perform, and tour their own play. This program is the longest-running arts-based, workplace development program in Cleveland and is an international model for engaging youth. Since its beginning in 1994, STEP has received multiple awards and recognitions including those from the City of Cleveland, The President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities, and the National Endowment for the Arts. Through STEP, teens see themselves as a positive and inspirational force, and watch as their work has an impact on the larger Cleveland community.
Cleveland Public Theatre's STEP 2021 presentation of Song of Sankofa will be performed at the following outdoor locations.
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