The renowned Cleveland Pops Orchestra, in collaboration with The Music Settlement, has established The Cleveland Pops Youth Orchestra to nurture and train young musicians to reach their full potential while promoting critical thinking, self-confidence, and leadership skills through music.
The Youth Orchestra has been auditioning young musicians throughout the summer months at The Music Settlement and now wishes to see more applicants to fill their roster. Additional audition dates at The Music Settlement will include Monday, August 27th at 4:20 p.m. and Wednesday, September 12th at 4:00 p.m. Please call Nikki Claverie at 216 421-5806, ext.188, or email her at to schedule an audition.
Positions for the new ensemble will be open to intermediate-to-advanced skill level string, woodwind and brass students ages 12 to 18. Audition requirements are a solo peace of choice, and some sight reading to be chosen at the audition.
Starting October 1, 2018, Youth Orchestra members will rehearse each Monday from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at The Music Settlement in University Circle. Under the baton of conductor Carl Topilow, Youth Orchestra members will explore the music of Broadway, Hollywood, jazz, light classics and popular songs.
The ensemble's conductor Carl Topilow will visit individual schools to hear applicants for whom audition dates, times, or location might be inconvenient. Topilow will be accepting applicants past the established audition schedule.
Concerts and other exciting performance opportunities will be announced soon.
The Music Settlement is located at 11125 Magnolia Drive, Cleveland, Ohio 44106.