A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams runs March 20 - April 5, 2009 at Dayton Playhouse
The play reveals to the very depths the character of Blanche du Bois, a woman whose life has been undermined by her romantic illusions, which lead her to reject-so far as possible-the realities of life with which she is faced and which she consistently ignores. The pressure brought to bear upon her by her sister, with whom she goes to live in New Orleans, intensified by the earthy and extremely "normal" young husband of the latter, leads to a revelation of her tragic self-delusion and, in the end, to madness.
Show times: Fridays; 8PM, Saturdays; 8PM, & Sundays; 2PM
Blanche- Wendi Michael
Stanley- Jonathan Berry
Stella- Amy Brooks
Mitch- Dave Nickel
Eunice- Zayne Swain
Steve- Mark Reuter
Pablo- Cory Troxtel
Doctor- Kevin Rankin
Nurse- Ginger Hubbs
Young Collector- Bryce Van Dyke
Neighbor- Judi Earley
Mexican Woman- Zayne Swain