The musical runs September 10-October 31.
Ohio Star Theater has reopened with a production of The Gut Life with the Yoders. The musical runs September 10-October 31.
Maybe you haven't had a chance to actually visit an Amish home yet, but come meet your new friends Simon and Eliza Yoder in their living room as they give you a glimpse into their lifelong journey together.
These storytellers will completely entertain you as they talk about farming, horses and buggies, quilt making, barn raising, ice cream socials, Church services, Bishops, regulations, one room school houses, courting, rumspringa. and... dealing with Englishers!
In The Güt Life! with the Yoders you'll be captivated by their often hilarious and sometimes heartbreaking stories. Seeing life through Simon and Eliza's eyes, you will discover that the "plain" life is in reality a life of depth, beauty, and lighthearted joy.
Learn more and get tickets at