The year 2013 is monumental for the many admirers of German composer Richard Wagner. To celebrate the 200th anniversary of the composer's birth in Leipzig, Germany in 1813, the Wagner Society of Cincinnati is promoting eight Wagner themed events in Cincinnati and the Tri-State area.
This exciting festival will feature a variety of entertaining and educational events ranging from lecture presentations, live HD broadcasts and live performances of Wagner's music by a number of local arts organizations. Some of these events are by special invitation only, some are open to the public free of charge and some have tickets available through the local arts organizations themselves.
We invite everyone to attend this series of events and explore the music of this prolific giant of the opera world. You will be amazed by the music!
The Wagner Society of Cincinnati's Mission is: "To promote the study of the music of Richard Wagner and foster a greater understanding and appreciation of his music dramas. " This mission is accomplished by promoting lectures, watching media presentations, and attending live performances of Wagner music dramas. The Society maintains a library of books and videos on Wagner's works and makes available to its members information pertaining to local, regional, national and international productions of Wagner's music dramas.
To find dates, times, locations and ticket information on the events featured in the 2013 Cincinnati Tri-State Wagner Festival, please regularly read this publication and view a full listing of festival events on our website at