The University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music (CCM) presents the final installment of the 2012-13 Studio Series with a production of Emily Mann's powerful docu-drama Execution of Justice, directed by CCM Professor of Drama Michael Burnham. Execution of Justice runs tonight, April 18-20 in UC's Cohen Family Studio Theater. Admission is free, but reservations are required. This production contains mature subject matter.
A chilling examination of the trial of Dan White for the murder of Harvey Milk, San Francisco's first openly gay Supervisor, and Mayor George Moscone, Execution of Justice puts the trial on trial and measures the distance between "politics," "action" and "the law."
Execution of Justice is a story fraught with strife and complications. "There is an issue," Burnham explains, "and behind the issue, there are people." In order to help his cast better inhabit their roles, Burnham decided that instead of each tackling one character, as is customary, each student would play at least four critical roles throughout the show. During each performance, every student will act as the man on trial, Dan White; his wife, Mary Ann White; the prosecuting attorney, Thomas Norman and the defense attorney, Douglas Schmidt. This approach challenges the audience, forcing them to identify with the real person - not the actor playing the role.
"There are more possibilities than we allow ourselves to think," observes Burnham. Not only is this a fantastic learning experience for the actors, requiring them to commit to a character for sometimes only a single line at a time; it is the presentation of a constellation of stories that raises difficult questions about social justice.
Following the run of Execution of Justice, CCM will bid farewell to professor, director and mentor Michael Burnham as he moves on to retirement.
Learn more about Burnham's 30 years at CCM here.
Performance Times: 7:30 p.m. tonight, April 18; 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 19; and 2 and 7:30 p.m. Saturday, April 20. All shows play the Cohen Family Studio Theater, CCM Village, University of Cincinnati.
Admission to Execution of Justice is free, but reservations are required. Tickets become available at noon on Monday, April 15. Visit the CCM Box office or call 513-556-4183 to reserve. Limit two tickets per order. This production contains mature subject matter.
Parking is available in the CCM Garage (located at the base of Corry Boulevard off Jefferson Avenue) and additional garages throughout the UC campus. Visit for more information on parking rates. For directions to CCM Village, visit
The University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music (CCM) is recognized both nationally and internationally as one of the leading conservatories for the performing and electronic media arts, composition, scholarship and pedagogy.
CCM is the largest single source of performing arts events in Ohio with an annual calendar of nearly 1,000 performances and presentations, ranging from solo recitals to full-scale opera and musical theatre performances.
All event dates and programs are subject to change. For a complete calendar of events or to view CCM's 2012-2013 season brochure, visit