The University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music (CCM) presents nearly 1,000 public events throughout the year and offers free admission to many of its performances. All events listed here take place on the CCM campus and are free unless otherwise indicated. Some events require paid admission; please see individual event information for details and ordering information.
Tickets and Additional Information:2011 Spring Quarterly Calendar Event Listings
2 p.m. & 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 30
Drama Senior Showcase & Dolly Awards
The 15th annual drama senior showcase features the class of 2011 before they make their New York and Los Angeles debuts. Join us for the 7 p.m. showing for the 9th annual Dolly Awards immediately following the showcase.
Location: Patricia Corbett Theater
Admission: Free
7 p.m. Wednesday, March 30
Performing Arts/Digital Future
The Electronic Media Division presents a panel of production and marketing experts to examine the impact of the Metropolitan Opera's live HD broadcasts in movie theatres across the country. Panelists include:
Marc Scorca, President and CEO, OPERA America
Patricia Beggs, General Director/CEO, Cincinnati Opera
Marcus Kuchle, Director of Artistic Operations, Cincinnati Opera
Robin Guarino, CCM Opera Department Chair and opera director
Marjorie Fox, CCM Electronic Media Division Head, moderator
Location: Mary Emery Hall 3250
Admission: Free
7 p.m. Thursday, March 31
Friends of CCM Benefit: The Musical Theatre Senior Showcase
The 19th annual musical theatre senior showcase features the class of 2011 before they make their New York debut. The Friends of CCM invite you to be a part of this moment and see our future Broadway stars shine onstage.
Location: Patricia Corbett Theater
Tickets: Special ticket prices and limited seating. For ticket information, please contact CCM External Relations at 513-556-2100.
Musical Theatre Program Sponsor: The Otto M. Budig Family Foundation
8 p.m. Friday, April 1
Percussion Ensemble
James Culley, coordinator
The Ensemble's spring program features performances of new works by CCM student composers, including Douglas Pew's Sapiyuq Llaqtakuna. T. R. Beery will also present a new work, along with the Ensemble's own Tyler Niemeyer and Benjamin Wallace. Other composers include Nick Hubbell, Thomas Frieberg and CCM alumnus Chris Deane.
Location: Corbett Auditorium
Admission: Free
8 p.m. Friday, April 1
8 p.m. Saturday, April 2
The Musical Theatre Showcase
Created and performed by the Class of 2011 in Musical Theatre
A preview of the 2011 Musical Theatre Showcase prior to performances in New York and Chicago.
Location: Patricia Corbett Theater
Admission: Admission is free, but reservations are required. Tickets become available on Monday, March 28 at noon-please contact the CCM Box Office at 513-556-4183 to reserve. Limit two tickets per order.
Musical Theatre Program Sponsor: The Otto M. Budig Family Foundation
8 p.m. Friday, April 1
8 p.m. Saturday, April 2
Opera d'arte - CCM Undergraduate Opera
The Cunning Little Vixen
Composed by Leoš Janá?ek
Libretto by Leoš Janá?ek
Brett Scott, conductor
Kenneth Shaw, director
Location: Cohen Family Studio Theater
Admission: Admission is free, but reservations are required. Tickets become available on Monday, March 28 at noon-please contact the CCM Box Office at 513-556-4183 to reserve. Limit two tickets per order.
10 a.m. Saturday, April 2
Opera Scholarship Competition
Location: Corbett Auditorium
Admission: Free
4 p.m. Sunday, April 3
• Guest Artist Series •
Oscar Ghiglia, guitar
Celebrating his 37th residency at CCM, virtuoso Ghiglia performs a solo recital of his concert favorites.
Location: Robert J. Werner Recital Hall
Tickets: $10 general admission, $5 non-UC students, UC students FREE
2 p.m. Friday, April 8
• Thinking About Music Lecture Series •
Mary Hunter, Bowdoin University
"How Do Performers Imagine the Composer and Why Does it Matter?"
Location: Baur Room
Admission: Free
7 p.m. Sunday, April 10
• CCM Jazz & Orchestra Series •
Jazz Ensemble and CCM Philharmonia
Scott Belck and Mark Gibson, conductors
Pat Linhardt, vocalist
"Fantasia Brasileira: An Evening of Enchanting Brazilian Music
for Orchestra and Jazz Ensemble"
The CCM Philharmonia and Jazz Ensemble join forces to present the sophisticated rhythms and exquisite melodies of Brazil.
Milhaud: Saudades do Brazil
Location: Corbett Auditorium
Tickets: $10 general admission, $5 non-UC students, UC students FREE
Jazz Series Sponsor: Christopher Dietz & Family
Thursday, April 14 - Sunday, April 17
Bearcat Piano Festival
5 p.m. April 14 Markus Groh master class
8 p.m. April 14 Piano Alive: Music of Living Composers Recital
8 p.m. April 15 Ann Schein recital
11 a.m. April 16 Ann Schein master class
Noon April 17 Natalya Antonova master class
2:30 p.m. April 17 Liszt Etude Competition, Natalya Antonova, judge
Location: Robert J. Werner Recital Hall
Admission: Free
8 p.m. Saturday, April 16,
• CCM Choral & Orchestra Series •
CCM Chorale, Xavier University Concert Choir and CCM Concert Orchestra
Brett Scott and Annunziata Tomaro, conductors
"Mahler's 1st Masterwork"
Mahler's cantata, one of his earliest pieces, is contrasted with two Beethoven works - Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage on two poems of Goethe and Choral Fantasy, with stunning variations for orchestra and solo piano (performed by a CCM Concerto Competition winner) and a choral finale that anticipates the Ninth Symphony.
Beethoven: Meerestille und glückliche Fahrt (Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage)
Beethoven: Choral Fantasy, Op. 80
Mahler: Das klagende Lied (Song of Lamentation)
Location: Corbett Auditorium
Tickets: $10 general admission, $5 non-UC students, UC students FREE
4 p.m. Sunday, April 17
• Faculty Artist Series •
Percussion Group Cincinnati
"Music From Scratch"
The group presents the children's concert and family show it has done in hundreds of schools and communities across the country for 30 years.
Location: Cohen Family Studio Theater
Admission: Free
7 p.m. Sunday, April 17
• Bearcat Piano Festival •
Pianopalooza VI
"200 Years of Franz Liszt and Friends"
Featuring performances by guest artist Natalya Antonova and the piano faculty.
Location: Corbett Auditorium
Tickets: $15 general admission, $10 non-UC students, UC students FREE
8 p.m. Monday, April 18
Brass Choir
Location: Corbett Auditorium
Admission: Free
8 p.m. Tuesday, April 19
Sonic Explorations
Location: Cohen Family Studio Theater
Admission: Free
8 p.m. Wednesday, April 20 (preview)
8 p.m. Thursday, April 21
8 p.m. Friday, April 22
2:30 & 8 p.m. Saturday, April 23
2:30 p.m. Sunday, April 24
• Mainstage Drama Series •
Our Town
Diane Kvapil, director
Winner of the 1930 Pulitzer Prize for Drama, this timeless portrait of life in a mythical New Hampshire town has become an American classic. Through the lives of Grover's Corners residents George Gibbs and Emily Webb, Wilder explores the universal questions about the meaning of love, life and death.
Location: Patricia Corbett Theater
Tickets: $11 (preview only), $27-$29, $17-$19 students, $11 student rush tickets available for Saturday matinee beginning at 1:30 p.m. on April 23; limit two rush tickets per student ID.
Season Production Sponsor: Macy's
8 p.m. Thursday, April 21
• Chamber Music Series •
Chamber Players
Rodney Winther, music director
"CCM Chamber Players Meet CCM Composers"
This is the sixth year for this ever-popular concert that features the compositions of current and former CCM students and faculty.
Location: Robert J. Werner Recital Hall
Admission: Free
8 p.m. Wednesday, April 27
• CCM Winds Series •
Wind Ensemble
Terence Milligan, music director and conductor
"Spring is in the Air"
Joaquin Turina/Krance: Five Miniatures
Godfrey Ridout: Tafelmusik
Karel Husa: Al Fresco
Gustav Holst: "Mars" and "Jupiter" from The Planets
Location: Corbett Auditorium
Admission: Free
8 p.m. Thursday, April 28
8 p.m. Friday, April 29
2:30 & 8 p.m. Saturday, April 30
• Studio Drama Series •
Red Light Winter
Written by Adam Rapp
k. Jenny Jones, director
Adam Rapp's play follows two men and a woman in very foreign territory. College friends Davis and Matt spend a wild, unforgettable evening in Amsterdam's Red Light District with a beautiful young prostitute, Christina. Their lives are changed forever when the bizarre love triangle plays out in unexpected ways a year later in the East Village.
Location: Cohen Family Studio Theater
Admission: Admission is free. Reservations are required. Tickets available Monday, April 25 at noon-please contact the CCM Box Office at 513-556-4183 to reserve. Limit two tickets per order.
Drama Studio Series Sponsor: Neil Artman and Margaret Straub
Thurs., April 28, 8 p.m.
• CCM Orchestra Series •
CCM Philharmonia
Annunziata Tomaro, conductor
"American Voices XIII: American Emigrés"
Korngold: Title music to The Sea Hawk
Rachmaninoff: Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini
Bartók: Concerto for Orchestra
Location: Corbett Auditorium
Tickets: $10 general admission, $5 non-UC students, UC students FREE
8 p.m. Friday, April 29
• CCM Winds Series •
CCM Wind Symphony
Rodney Winther, music director and conductor
"A Salute to the American Composer"
Joseph Schwantner: In Evening's Stillness
Rodney Rogers: Prevailing Winds
Dana Wilson: Calling, Ever Calling
Mark Ostoich, oboe
Jim Self: Tour de Force - Episodes for Wind Ensemble
Michael Daugherty: Lost Vegas
Location: Corbett Auditorium
Tickets: $10 general admission, $5 non-UC students, UC students FREE
7:30 p.m. Friday, April 29
7:30 p.m. Saturday, April 30
• CCM Preparatory Department •
CCM Youth Ballet Company
Jonnie Lynn Jacobs-Percer, director
Location: Patricia Corbett Theater
Admission: $10 general admission, $8 students
7 p.m. Sunday, May 1
• Starling Series •
Starling Chamber Orchestra
Location: Robert J. Werner Recital Hall
Admission: Free
7 p.m. Sunday, May 1
• CCM Jazz Series •
Jazz Lab Band and Jazz Combo
Paul Piller, conductor
An evening of swing, bebop and contemporary jazz.
Location: Patricia Corbett Theater
Admission: Free
Jazz Series Sponsor: Christopher Dietz & Family
7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 3
noTELba:Synthesthesia - Electronica/Rock Concert
Thomas Haines, music director and conductor
Join us for an evening of 21st-century music led by musicians from the Music Entertainment Industry Student Association (MEISA). The ensemble is focused on new ways of presenting music in a multi-sensory performance experience.
Location: Cohen Family Studio Theater
Admission: Admission is free. Reservations are required. Tickets available at noon on the day of the show-please contact the CCM Box Office at 513-556-4183 to reserve. Limit two tickets per order.
4 p.m. Saturday, May 7
• Starling Series •
Starling Showcase
Kurt Sassmannshaus, conductor
Location: Robert J. Werner Recital Hall
Admission: Free
7 p.m. Sunday, May 8
• CCM Preparatory Department •
Cincinnati Cello Choir
Ellen Shertzer, director
This unique ensemble of talented cellists of all ages performs works by Bach, Ticciati, Ballar, Couperin, Fauré, Popper, Khachaturian and Metallica. The concert will feature CCM Prep faculty and Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra guest performers.
Location: Robert J. Werner Recital Hall
Admission: Free
8 p.m. Tuesday, May 10
• Chamber Music Series •
Classical Guitar Ensemble
Clare Callahan, director
Solos, duos, trios and quartets by Telemann, Vachez, Mendelssohn, Kleynjans and Turina, among others.
Location: Patricia Corbett Theater
Admission: Free
8 p.m. Thursday, May 12
8 p.m. Friday, May 13
2:30 & 8 p.m. Saturday, May 14
• Studio Musical Series •
Musicals Redux: Out of This World
Music and lyrics by Cole Porter
Book by Dwight Taylor and Reginald Lawrence
Roger Grodsky, director
Continuing our mission to resurrect gems from the storehouse of forgotten American musical theatre, Musicals Redux presents a stylish comic gem from the master, Cole Porter. A free adaption of Amphitryon by Plautus, Out of This World pits Roman gods and goddesses against each other with amusing results. Erudite and polished, the complicated plot twists are all set to the timeless sophistication of a Porter score. Featuring the hit song "From This Moment On," Out of This World has seldom been seen since its Broadway debut in 1952.
Location: Cohen Family Studio Theater
Admission: Admission is free, but reservations are required. Tickets become available on Monday, May 9 at noon-please contact the CCM Box Office at 513-556-4183 to reserve. Limit two tickets per order.
Musical Theatre Program Sponsor: The Otto M. Budig Family Foundation
8 p.m. Thursday, May 12
8 p.m. Friday, May 13
8 p.m. Saturday, May 14
2:30 p.m. Sunday, May 15
• Mainstage Opera Series •
Dialogues of the Carmelites (Dialogues des carmélites, 1957)
Composed by Francis Poulenc
Libretto by Emmet Lavery
Mark Gibson, conductor
Steven Goldstein, director
Based on a true story, this haunting opera tells the tale of the Carmelite Nuns, a small order put to death during the French Revolution. The fictional Parisian aristocrat Blanche de la Force attempts to find refuge with the nuns, setting the stage for a psychological study of devotion in the face of terror. Sung in English with supertitles.
Location: Corbett Auditorium
Tickets: $27-$29, $17-$19 students, $11 student rush tickets available for Sunday matinee beginning at 1:30 p.m. on May 15
Season Production Sponsor: Macy's
3 p.m. Sunday, May 15
• CCM Preparatory Department •
Cincinnati Junior Strings
Dr. Gerald Doan, director
Rachel Bierkan, assistant director
Location: Patricia Corbett Theater
Admission: Free
7 p.m. Sunday, May 15
• CCM Preparatory Department •
Preparatory Department Jazz Explosion and Jazz Combos
Drews Mitchell and Dan Karlsberg, directors
Location: Robert J. Werner Recital Hall
Admission: Free
8 p.m. Tuesday, May 17
• Chamber Music Series •
Café MoMus: Contemporary Music Ensemble
Annunziata Tomaro, music director and conductor
An evening of modern music in a coffeehouse setting, featuring:
Osvaldo Golijov: Ayre
Eclectic song cycle by the great Argentinian composer
Works by CCM faculty artist Michael Fiday and a student composer
Location: Cohen Family Studio Theater
Admission: Free
8 p.m. Friday, May 20,
• CCM Orchestra Series •
CCM Concert Orchestra
Annunziata Tomaro, conductor
Berlioz: Corsaire Overture
Debussy: La Mer
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 4 in F Minor, Op. 36
Location: Corbett Auditorium
Admission: Free
8 p.m. Saturday, May 21
CCM Steel Drum Band Annual Performance
Rusty Burge, director
The band focuses on the traditional music of Trinidad but also incorporates pop, folk and reggae, and improvisation has become a key element of the band's repertoire.
Location: Corbett Auditorium
Tickets: $10 general admission, $5 non-UC students, UC students FREE
4 p.m. Sunday, May 22
• CCM Choral Series •
CCM Chamber Choir and Chorale
Earl Rivers and Brett Scott, conductors
"A cappella Classics and Premiere"
Norwegian and German a cappella miniatures, a newly commissioned work for soprano, mixed chorus and percussion based on texts by the first Latin American Nobel Laurette, Gabriela Mistral, and the 20th century's greatest a cappella masterwork, Concerto for Choir, sung in Russian.
Grieg: Ave Maris Stella
Mendelssohn: Sechs Sprüche
Douglas Pew: Rondas (Commission)
Schnittke: Concerto for Choir
Location: St. Boniface Church, 1750 Chase Avenue, Northside
Admission: Free
Post-concert reception for CCM Subscribers
4 p.m. Sunday, May 22
• Chamber Music Series •
Chamber Players
Rodney Winther, music director
Richard Strauss: Sonatine für Bläser in F ("From an Invalid's Workshop")
Joseph Schwantner: Music of Amber
Location: Robert J. Werner Recital Hall
Admission: Free
7 p.m. Sunday, May 22
• CCM Jazz Series •
CCM Jazz Ensemble and Faculty Jazztet with a Special Guest
National Endowment for the Arts Jazz Master Gerald Wilson
Scott Belck and Paul Piller, conductors
"Jazz Showcase"
For more than 50 years, Gerald Wilson has been recognized as one of the premiere composers, arrangers and bandleaders in jazz. Join CCM Jazz and six-time Grammy nominee and Kennedy Center "Living Legend of Jazz" Gerald Wilson for a night of wonderful big band music from yesterday and today.
Location: Corbett Auditorium
Tickets: $10 general admission, $5 non-UC students, UC students FREE
Jazz Series Sponsor: Christopher Dietz & Family
7 p.m. Sunday, May 22
• Chamber Music Series •
Classical Guitar Chamber Music
Clare Callahan, director
Music for guitar, voice, cello, piano and violin by Giuliani, Cordero, Beaser and Villa-Lobos, among others.
Location: Watson Hall
Admission: Free
8 p.m. Monday, May 23
Brass Choir
Location: Corbett Auditorium
Admission: Free
8 p.m. Wednesday, May 25
• CCM Choral Series •
UC Men's and Women's Choruses and Cabaret Singers
Brandon Dean, Olga Artemova and Sean Taylor, conductors
"Spring Concert"
The UC Men's and Women's Choruses, comprised of students from all of UC's 13 colleges, present a diverse collection of choral works from a variety of style periods. The concert will feature a world-premiere choral composition by Norwegian-born composer Ola Gjeilo on poetry by Emily Brontë. Also featured are popular and vocal jazz arrangements performed by the Cabaret Singers.
Ola Gjeilo: World Premiere Commission
Schubert: Psalm 23
Fauré: Cantique de Jean Racine, Op. 11
Location: Corbett Auditorium
Tickets: $10 general admission, $5 non-UC students, UC students FREE
8 p.m. Wednesday, May 25
• Faculty Artist Series •
Vivian Montgomery, harpsichord
Jennifer Roig-Francoli, violin; René Schiffer, guest cello/gamba; Cheryl Trace, guest violin; Lindsay Leach, baroque flute; Micah Fusselman, cello/gamba
A performance of Bach's illustrious Brandenberg Concertos, featuring guest artists, students and local period instrumentalists.
Location: Watson Hall
Admission: Free
8 p.m. Friday, May 27
2:30 & 8 p.m. Saturday, May 28
2:30 p.m. Sunday, May 29
• CCM Dance Series •
Spring Dance Concert - Giselle
Jiang Qi, director
One of ballet's most enduring and romantic masterpieces comes to life on the CCM stage as the Ballet Ensemble presents Giselle, the story of love's triumph over treachery and death.
Location: Patricia Corbett Theater
Tickets: $15 general admission, $10 non-UC students, UC students FREE
8 p.m. Friday, May 27
8 p.m. Saturday, May 28
2:30 p.m. Sunday, May 29
• Studio Opera Series •
Giulio Cesare in Egitto
Music by George Fredric Handel
Libretto by Nicole Francesco Haym
Mark Gibson, conductor
Nicholas Muni, director
Embroiled in bitter struggle for control of the Roman and Egyptian worlds, Giulio Cesare recounts the passion between Cesare and Cleopatra as they form an alliance against the Egyptian queen's brother and co-ruler Tolomeo. With all of the historical backing, Handel's tragic opera boasts themes of warfare, passionate love, betrayal and heroic action brought to lyric drama on an epic scale.
Location: Cohen Family Studio Theater
Admission: Admission is free, but reservations are required. Tickets become available on Monday, May 23 at noon-please contact the CCM Box Office at 513-556-4183 to reserve. Limit two tickets per order.
8 p.m. Thursday, June 2
• Chamber Music Series •
Chamber Winds
Rodney Winther, music director
Hans Gal: Divertimento, Op. 22
Arvo Pärt: Fratres
Walther Lampe: Serenade, Op. 7
Location: Robert J. Werner Recital Hall
Admission: Free
3 p.m. Friday, June 3
• CCM Choral Series •
CCM Chamber Choir and Chorale
Graduate conducting majors of the Choral Studies Department lead a program of a cappella and accompanied works from the Renaissance through the 21st century.
Location: Robert J. Werner Recital Hall
Admission: Free
8 p.m. Friday, June 3
• CCM Winds Series •
Wind Ensemble
Terence Milligan, music director and conductor
"An Alumni Weekend Concert"
Leonard Bernstein/Beeler: Overture to Candide
Julian Work: Driftwood Patterns
Stephen M. Jones: strike
Robert Russell Bennett: Suite of Old American Dances
Location: Corbett Auditorium
Admission: Free
8 p.m. Saturday, June 4
• CCM Winds Series •
CCM Wind Symphony
Rodney Winther, music director and conductor
"CCM Alumni Concert - A New Beginning"
This is the concluding concert of the CCM Wind and Percussion Alumni Weekend. It is also the last concert at CCM for Professor Rodney Winther, who is retiring after having served as director of Wind Studies for the past 14 years.
David Maslanka: Symphony No. 4
Karel Husa: Music for Prague
Percy Grainger: Lincolnshire Posy
Location: Corbett Auditorium
Tickets: $10 general admission, $5 non-UC students, UC students FREE
7 p.m. Monday, June 6
• CCM Preparatory Department •
Cincinnati Youth Wind Ensemble and Cincinnati Junior Youth Wind Ensemble
Simon Tillier and Dr. Ann Porter, directors
Location: Corbett Auditorium
Admission: Free
8 p.m. Tuesday, June 7
University of Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
Aik Khai Pung, music director and conductor
"A Treat of Suites"
Danny Clay: A premiere work for UCSO
Yi Chen: Chinese Folk Dance Suite
violinist: Can Gao
Edvard Grieg: Peer Gynt Suite No. 2
Georges Bizet: L'Arlésienne Suite No. 2
Location: Corbett Auditorium
Admission: Free
8 p.m. Wednesday, June 8
• CCM Preparatory Department •
Preparatory Department Brass Choir
Paul Hillner, music director
This ensemble of brass players is made up of excellent high school musicians who are selected through an audition process early in the year. This final concert of the year will feature early music and contemporary works for both the large and chamber brass ensembles.
Location: Robert J. Werner Recital Hall
Admission: Free
All programs and performances subject to change. Visit for the most current event information.