Set in the twilight years of the 19th century, Michael John LaChiusa's dark musical chronicles the journey of Marie Christine, a racially mixed woman imprisoned without a trial to face death. From her jail cell, she recounts her journey, beginning with a genteel life of privilege in New Orleans Creole society. There, she falls madly in love with a white ship captain named Dante. When the relationship comes to light, Marie and Dante flee to Chicago, where Dante abandons her for a career in politics. Betrayed and alone, Marie undertakes the darkest vengeance, which leads her to her tragic fate.
MARIE CHRISTINE received Tony Award nominations for Best Book of a Musical and Best Score.
Disney's Frozen the Broadway Musical
Paramount Theatre (10/30 - 1/19) | ||
Million Dollar Quartet
Paramount's Stolp Island Theatre (9/15 - 12/29) | ||
The Little Mermaid
Drury Lane Theatre (11/6 - 1/12) | ||
Legally Blonde, The Musical
Music Theater Works (12/19 - 12/29) | ||
Elton Rohn
Raue Center For The Arts (12/31 - 12/31) | ||
Chicago Symphony Orchestra: Seong-Jin Cho Plays Prokofiev
Chicago Symphony Center (2/27 - 3/2) | ||
Miracle at Century High School
The Annoyance Theater (12/4 - 12/18) | ||
Buffalo Theatre Ensemble: Native Gardens
McAninch Arts Center (1/30 - 3/1) | ||
Upstairs at Chicago Shakespeare Theater on Navy Pier (1/21 - 2/9) | ||
Kimberly Akimbo
CIBC Theater (6/10 - 6/22) | ||
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