Joshua premiered this show for the first-time last year at The Rhapsody Theater. He returns to Chicago with a new version of the show filled with new illusions and ideas.
Look Closer produced by Rhapsody Theater, is the worldwide debut of a new show by Joshua Jay, one of magic's most dynamic performers. This show follows the acclaimed "Six Impossible Things," which debuted off-Broadway in New York City and ran for more than four extensions and two years. In this new show of magic and sleight-of-hand, Joshua turns the concept of misdirection on its head. In most magic shows the magician diverts your attention. In "Look Closer" you're invited to look very, very closely, as the shapes of the tricks change the more you focus on them. "The very best magic tricks have layers of deception," says Jay, "Mysteries embedded within mysteries. We just never get the chance to explore them. This show is that chance."
Joshua Jay is an internationally recognized performer, author, and lecturer. He has performed on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, The Late Show with James Corden, and on Penn & Teller's Fool Us...where he did, indeed, fool Penn & Teller. He has performed in over a hundred countries, and wrote and starred in Six Impossible Things, an acclaimed immersive magic show that ran in New York City for over two years. In 2020 the Society of American Magicians named Joshua "Magician of the Year" for his contributions to the art of magic.
Jay is the author of six books on magic, including The New York Times best-selling children's book Big Magic for Little Hands, and most recently, How Magicians Think. Of this title David Copperfield said, "Joshua Jay is a superb, innovative conjurer with an unrelenting love of the art. This book is proof of that passion." Jay has designed illusions for stage and screen, including work for Game of Thrones and Boardwalk Empire. He was tapped to help the US Postal Service design their stamp series, "The Art of Magic."
Joshua has performed in over 100 countries, and when he's not traveling, he resides in New York City.
Run time is approximately 75 minutes with no intermission.
Anne & Mark Burnell's 21st annual Eve of the Eve (12/30/24-12/30/24)
Rhapsody Theater is at 1328 W. Morse Avenue Chicago, IL 60626, Chicago, IL.
Anne & Mark Burnell's 21st annual Eve of the Eve (12/30/24-12/30/24)
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