In Fish Men, a group of chess hustlers engage each other in spirited matches on a hot summer day in Washington Square Park, hoping to draw unsuspecting players into a high-stakes hustle. Their patience is soon rewarded by the appearance of Rey Reyes, a young student who naively agrees to their challenge. As the game progresses, the chess tables are turned—raising the stakes and revealing the traumatic circumstances that have made them seek refuge in a game that has become their obsession. esounding with biting humor and unexpected pathos, Fish Men focuses on a group of unforgettable characters drawn together by their need to overcome their individual tragedies.
Disney's Frozen the Broadway Musical
Paramount Theatre (10/30 - 1/19) | ||
Million Dollar Quartet
Paramount's Stolp Island Theatre (9/15 - 12/29) | ||
The Little Mermaid
Drury Lane Theatre (11/6 - 1/12) | ||
Legally Blonde, The Musical
Music Theater Works (12/19 - 12/29) | ||
Elton Rohn
Raue Center For The Arts (12/31 - 12/31) | ||
Chicago Symphony Orchestra: Seong-Jin Cho Plays Prokofiev
Chicago Symphony Center (2/27 - 3/2) | ||
Miracle at Century High School
The Annoyance Theater (12/4 - 12/18) | ||
Buffalo Theatre Ensemble: Native Gardens
McAninch Arts Center (1/30 - 3/1) | ||
Upstairs at Chicago Shakespeare Theater on Navy Pier (1/21 - 2/9) | ||
Kimberly Akimbo
CIBC Theater (6/10 - 6/22) | ||
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