Whiskey Wry Productions presents A Sack Full of Coal, a holiday sketch comedy show running Saturdays at 7:30 pm from tonight, November 30 through December 14, 2013. All performances take place at Gorilla Tango Bucktown, 1919 N Milwaukee, Chicago IL, 60647. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at gorillatango.com/bucktown or by calling 773-598-4549.
Gorilla Tango Bucktown is a year-round performance venue featuring an 80-seat black-box theater, rehearsal rooms, and co-producing contracts providing artists with marketing, box office, and front of house support as well as strategic business advice for creating sustainable art.
Gorilla Tango Bucktown is conveniently located at the intersection of Western and Milwaukee in Chicago's Bucktown neighborhood. Easily accessible by public transportation, GT Bucktown is steps away from the Western Blue Line stop and the #49 Western, #56 Milwaukee, and #73 Armitage bus routes. Metered street parking is available on Milwaukee Avenue. Offering shows for a wide variety of audiences, Gorilla Tango Bucktown performances are listed in full on the website with descriptions and ratings similar to movie theater screenings. GT Bucktown now offers a selection of affordable beer and wine for purchase. Consult the website for rating information, tickets, and details about how to produce at this venue.