New sketch ensemble Chalkboard Anxiety is pleased to present its premiere sketch show "Wild Youth Chase" Tuesdays September 9 through September 30, 2014 at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $10 online, $12 at the door and can be purchased at or by calling 773-598-4549. All performances take place at Gorilla Tango Bucktown, 1919 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647.
"Wild Youth Chase" features an hour of original sketches written and performed by this ensemble comprised of Second City alums. Exploring the metaphorical bridge between youth and adulthood, "Wild Youth Chase" will touch on topics ranging from Pope Francis to deranged ghosts who prefer R&B when performed exclusively on a ukelele.
Chalkboard Anxiety is an comedy ensemble comprised of Second City Training Center graduates Amy Anderson, Jack Bensinger, Grace Blakeman, Sean Broderick, Vic Brown, Eileen Matthews, Evan Mills, and Adrienne Peters. They have worked together since April 2014 and are thrilled to present their first (and certainly not last) sketch show.Videos