Victory Gardens opens its 2012-13 season with Equivocation, written by Bill Cain and directed by Sean Graney. The production runs September 14 – October 14, 2012 at the Victory Gardens Biograph Theater, 2433 N. Lincoln Avenue in Lincoln Park. The Press Opening is Monday, September 24, 2012 at 7:30 p.m.
In London in the year 1605, a down-and-out playwright called Shagspeare (yes, it's him) receives a royal commission to write a play promoting the government's version of Guy Fawkes' treasonous Gunpowder Plot. As Shag navigates the dangerous course between writing a lie and losing his soul, or writing the truth and losing his head, his devoted theatre troupe helps him negotiate each step along the way. At once an explosive comedy of ideas and a high-stakes political thriller, Bill Cain's award-winning Equivocation deftly reveals the cat-and-mouse games in politics and art, and the craft of learning how to speak the truth in difficult times.
"One of the most bracingly intelligent, sizzlingly theatrical American plays in a decade" – Variety
"A wonderful play of ideas, Equivocation is a witty, funny, poignant look at the complex relationship between art and politics. How do we tell the truth in difficult times? Are we ready to pay the real cost of telling the truth? Or do we lie and revise history?" comments Artistic Director Chay Yew. "I can't think of a more timely play to remind us of this, especially with all the political rhetoric swirling about in anticipation of the November elections."
The cast of Equivocation includes Minita Gandhi (Judith), Marc Grapey (Shag), Matt Kahler (Armin), Mark Montgomery (Cecil), Arturo Soria (Sharpe), and Bruce A. Young (Richard).
The designers are William Boles (Set Designer), Heather Gilbert (Lighting Designer ),
Janice Pytel (Costume Designer) and Kevin O'Donnell (Sound Designer).