Verismo Opera Theater announces its annual black-tie fundraising event tonight, November 2, 2013.
Celebrate the 200th birthday of one of the greatest opera composers, and revolutionary/patriotic focal point of the Italian unification movement: Giuseppe Verdi! VOT will join in the bicentennial celebration in STYLE. Join this gala fundraiser called "HASTA LA VERDI SIEMPRE" - long live Verdi! Tickets are $25 and there will be live entertainment from top-notch local singers along with silent auction, raffle, and cash bar. Auction includes World Champion Blackhawk tickets along with other treats. This will be a society event, truly not to be missed! Proceeds to support the Verismo Opera Theater 2014 season- and patrons at this exclusive event may get the first sneak peek into plans for 2014. This Revolutionary birthday bash is going to be at the very elegant Pleasant Homeso black tie/formal attire is recommended.When: November 2nd 2013 @ 7:00 PM (doors open at 6:30)
For more information, please contact:
Artistic Director Bradley Schuller 708-557-4435
Managing Director Katherin Dalin 574-370-5662