Upended Productions remounts Alice, the ambulatory, multi-disciplinary theatrical experience, curated by Neo-Futurist alumna Noelle Krimm. The audience, traveling in groups of 15, follows a white rabbit to various locations throughout Evanston's Main-Dempster Mile neighborhood. Ducking into storerooms and back patios, through bookstores and breweries, the audience IS Alice and southeast Evanston becomes a wonderland. Book chapters are divided among Chicagoland theater companies, visual and film artists and musicians. This 90-minute event requires walking and standing and is for ages six and up. Rain or shine.
Opens Saturday, September 22, 2018, 1 p.m.
Previews Sunday, September 16, 1 p.m.
Runs Saturdays and Sundays through October 21
Tours begin at 1 p.m., 1:15 p.m., 1:30 p.m., 1:45 p.m., & 2 p.m.
Meet at LaCapra State Farm office, 829 Chicago, Evanston, IL
Subsequent locations include Sketchbook Brewing Co, Booked, La Principal, Cultivate, Reprise Coffee Roasters, 10,000 Villages, and Squeezebox Books & Music.
TICKETS: $25 for single tickets; $17 for students and seniors with ID. Space is limited so advance purchase is highly recommended