Lakeview's island-themed and live-music hotspot Uncle Fatty's Rum Resort (2833 N Sheffield Ave) will host a "Lei It On The Line For Love" Valentine's-themed party on Saturday, February 13.
When patrons enter Uncle Fatty's for the "Lei It On The Line For Love" party, they'll be able to take and wear a free lei indicating their relationship status. A green lei "single", a yellow lei means "it's complicated", and a red lei means "taken".Uncle Fatty's will also have a green, yellow, and red colored "relationship status" 16oz drink specials during "Lei It On The Line For Love" party that will cost $8 each. They are:* Green "single" drink: "Ocean Potion" (Hpnotiq liqueur, Malibu coconut rum, fruit juices)* Yellow "it's complicated" drink: "UF Margarita" (Milagro Blanco tequila, orange liqueur, lemon juice, lime juice)* Red "taken" drink: "Frozen Bacardi Strawberry Daiquiri"High-energy cover band Maggie Speaks ( ) will perform live on stage starting at 10pm during the "Lei It On The Line For Love" party.There is no cover during the "Lei It On The Line For Love" party.Videos