Two Pence Theatre Co. announces the second year of their popular reading series Dead Man's Hand. Featuring 90 minute cuts of plays written by Shakespeare's peers, friends and frenemies. Each reading features a new lineup of Chicago's most exciting actors and directors in casual settings exploring these often overlooked gems (and the occasional hilarious stinker.) From Beaumont to Webster, and everyone in between, join Two Pence for a beer and hear what was going on in the theatre world when Olde English was modern, the streets had no gutters, and no one knew that ole' Will Shakespeare would be the one to outshine them all. Also this spring is a trivia night celebrating Shakespeare's 450th birthday.
Two Pence Trivia Night
Celebrating Shakespeare's 450th birthday at The Globe Pub, 1934 W. Irving Park Rd.
When: Wednesday, April 23rd at 7 p.m.
$5 per person to play
Shakespeare is 450 this year so Two Pence is doing his favorite thing to celebrate - bar trivia! The Globe Pub has delicious food and drinks so it's just like your regular friendly neighborhood pub quiz...except with way more archaic sex jokes. Teams can be anywhere from 4-10 people, and those with too few to play are encouraged to join with other teams. Winning team wins a prize and some classical theatre bragging rights.
The 2014 Reading Season (upcoming)
Title: The Roaring Girl
Playwright: The Thomases: Middleton, Dekker and Wells
Adapted and Directed: Two Pence Artistic Director Tom Wells
When: Tuesday, May 13th at 7p.m.
Where: Greenhouse Theatre, 2257 N Lincoln Ave
Based on the real life thief Mary Frith "most notorious female member of 17th-century England's underworld" The Roaring Girl centers on Moll Cutpurse, just a cross dressing lady trying to mind her own. But marked as the town's Girl You Least Want To Marry, she suddenly finds herself the center of everybody's nasty business. Come get the first peak of our unique adaptation of this incredible play, slated for a full Two Pence production in 2015. Part of the new Greenhouse Theatre Trellis Reading Series.