Three Cat Productions presents the world premiere production of Tell Me When It Hurts in partnership with the Chicago Park District's Berger Park Coach House Theater at 6205 N. Sheridan Road (Edgewater by Granville el stop on Red Line). Stripped of his hospital and rejected by his love, Dr. Guy Better is in crisis. All appears lost with his love interest, the intrepid scientist Kit Smart, who is in the midst of her own struggles for a sound mind and scientific success.
Over the course of one night, a pair of off-kilter clinic patients, a surly police officer and an imaginary dog push the couple to catharsis and renewal. Inspired by the popular steampunk genre, Tell Me When It Hurts is ultimately a warm-hearted work about handling the blows of life with courage and compassion. With its mix of silliness and sincerity, the world premiere production is a great alternative to more traditional holiday fare.Videos