The story of Ada Lovelace, the daughter of Lord Byron, is told in Kamala Sankaram's The Infinite Energy of Ada Lovelace.
Third Eye Theatre Ensemble has announced its 8th season, which looks back at the historical life of Ada Lovelace: the daughter of Lord Byron, a wife and mother, a mathematician, and the first computer programmer. Her story is told in the Midwestern premiere of Kamala Sankaram's The Infinite Energy of Ada Lovelace.
The Infinite Energy of Ada Lovelace will be performed with string quartet and piano at The Edge Theater on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from September 17th through October 5th.
Third Eye Theatre Ensemble strives to champion new or seldom performed operatic works that inspire conversation, while advocating for human rights and social justice. For more information, please visit or email