The classic tale celebrating the triumphs of life, love, and family follows the charming love story of Ethel and Norman Thayer, who are returning to their summer home on Golden Pond for the 48th year. Norman, a retired professor, nearing eighty, with heart palpitations and a failing memory, is still as tart-tongued and wry as ever. Ethel, ten years younger and the perfect complement to Norman, delights in all the small things that have enriched and continue to enrich their long life together. Their vacation is interrupted, however, with the unexpected arrival of their divorced, middle-aged daughter and her dentist fiancé, who proceed to go off to Europe leaving his young son behind. Over the course of the summer, an unlikely friendship develops between Norman and the boy, forging new bonds across generations and celebrating the lessons they learn from one another.
Luke Michael Klein (A Christmas Memory at Theatre at the Center) plays "Billy," Norm Boucher (The Beverly Hillbillies, The Musical, The Producers, and Guys and Dolls at Theatre at the Center) plays "Charlie," and Dan Rodden plays "The Dentist" (National Tours of Into the Woods and Joseph; The Odd Couple at Drury Lane Oakbrook).
The ON GOLDEN POND production team includes Stage Manager Rebecca Green, Production Manager Ann Davis, Set Designer Angie Miller, Lighting Designer Shelley Strasser-Holland, Costume Designer Brenda Winstead, Sound Designer Barry G. Funderburg, and Hair and Wig Designer Kevin Barthel.
Founded in 1991, the 400-seat Theatre at the Center is a year-round professional theater at its home, The Center for Visual and Performing Arts, 1040 Ridge Road, Munster, Indiana. Theatre at the Center is located off I-80/94, just 35 minutes from downtown Chicago, and has free parking. Performances are Wednesdays and Thursdays at 2 p.m.; Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m.; Sundays at 2:30 p.m.; and select Thursday evening and Saturday matinees. Individual ticket prices range from $40 - $44. To purchase individual tickets call the Box Office at 219.836.3255 or at 800.511.1552. Group discounts are av ailable for groups of 11 or more and gift certificates are also available. For more information on Theatre at the Center, visit