The Underpants by Carl Sternheim, adapted by Steve Martin, will be presented June 23-July 30, 2011 at the Greenhouse Theater Center, 2257 N. Lincoln Avenue, by Hubris Productions. Previews are June 23 and 24 at 8 p.m., and the press opening is June 23rd.
The Underpants was chosen for its theme of lust and laughs. The renowned comic actor and author of Picasso at the Lapine Agile provides a wild satire adapted from the classic German play about Louise and Theo Markes, a couple whose conservative existence is shattered when Louise's bloomers fall down in public. Though she pulls them up quickly, he thinks the incident will cost him his job as a government clerk. Louise's momentary display does not result in the feared scandal but it does attract two infatuated men, each of whom wants to rent the spare room in the Markes' home. Oblivious of their amorous objectives, Theo splits the room between them, happy to collect rent from both the foppish poet and the whiny hypochondriac.
The Underpants will feature Jack Birdwell, Jessica Maynard, Josh Nordmark, Jeremy Cohn and Hubris Productions company members Calidona Olivares and Jason Dabrowski.
Performances are Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., and 3 p.m. on Sundays. Preview tickets are $15. General admission is $25; student and senior rate is $20 at all performances. Industry tickets are $10 on Thursdays and Sundays. Group rates are also available.
Hubris Productions provides entertainment, inspiration, education and promotes charitable giving. For 2011, we are collecting donations of money and personal goods for Humboldt Park Social Services, a local organization assisting abused and homeless women. Learn more at