The Momedians of Momedy is a stand-up comedy show featuring Chicago's best comedians - who just happen to be moms! Host Denise Medina will deliver the laughs along with fellow Momedians Kat Herskovic, Colleen Brennan, Jessica Besser-Rosenberg, Eunji Kim and Michelle Krajecki. Come join the fun as the Moms joke about the perils of life, pregnancy, relationships, parenthood and more...because we said so.
Inspired by the need for diverse female voices in stand-up comedy, Chicago area comedians Kat Herskovic, Colleen Brennan and Denise Medina decided to create a show that offers audiences a wide range of comedic perspectives from all ages and stages of motherhood. The Momedians of Momedy bring a rotating line-up of Chicago's top stand-up comedians to venues all over Chicagoland and the Midwest. Whether you are a mother, father, son or daughter, you will feel right at home - the Momedians serve jokes that leave no topics untouched.
The Momedians of Momedy will perform on Saturday, July 20th at Terminus Theatre and Events in Lake Villa, 121 E. Grand Avenue, Lake Villa, Illinois. Doors open for general admission seating at 7:00. Show begins at 7:30. No drink minimums. Tickets can be purchased HERE or online at
The Momedians of Momedy welcome Chicago's best comedians -who just happen to be moms! to Terminus Theatre and Events in Lake Villa July 20th at 7:30pm.
For more information about the show, Visit
The Momedians of Momedy is a stand-up comedy show produced by Colleen Brennan, Kat Herskovic, and Denise Medina featuring a rotating lineup of Chicago's best comedians- who just happen to be moms! Come laugh with us as we joke about the perils of life, pregnancy, relationships, parenthood and more! Visit