The Mime Company Presents
Acts Without Words
Directed by Eliot Monaco and Amanda Brown
In its newest production, Acts Without Words, The Mime Company employs a unique author-centered approach to the age-old art of mime. Rather than beginning with the study of pantomime technique or existing classical works in mime, ensemble members (all Northwestern University-trained actors) first confront the playwright's challenge–what to say to a room full of people politely giving their attention.
This responsibility is at the core of The Mime Company's approach. It is one of very few mime companies creating new work in the theater and carries the reputation of the art form in its productions. Onstage through the medium of silence, every action, however mundane, becomes significant. Using gesture, mime draws directly from the vocabulary of common experience and can therefore touch on the most profound moments of joy and sorrow in human experience.
In crafting each piece, the ensemble finds, and in many cases invents, the technique necessary for each play. These works combine the astonishment of illusion with universal stories of human drama. Together, the plays in Acts Without Words serve to underline the true subject for The Mime Company–a celebration of the complexity and variety of the human spirit.