Natural Gas Jug Band Christmas, directed by Joey Lesiak and featuring Natural Gas members: Jim Kozyra, Kirby O'Connell, Carly Olson, Amy Speckien, John Pantlind, and Kyle Zornes, will play The Gift Theatre December 7, 8, 14 and 15, 2012. Lighting and sound design by Scott Pilsbury.
Chirstmas Comes but once a year. Fortunately, so does The Gift holiday sketch show, Natural Gas Jug Band Christmas. Come find out what's funny about the Holidays, with the greatest gift of all.
Tickets ($10, $5 Student/Industry) are available immediately. Show times 8:00pm. For tickets: (773) 283-7071 or The Gift Theatre is located at 4802 N. Milwaukee in Chicago, Ill.
The Gift Theatre is conveniently located at 4802 N. Milwaukee in Chicago's Jefferson Park neighborhood-two storefronts north of Lawrence, on the west side of Milwaukee-and is easily accessible by the Kennedy Expressway, the Lawrence and Milwaukee buses, and the CTA Blue Line.
THE GIFT THEATRE is dedicated to telling great stories on stage with honesty and simplicity. Since its 2002 debut, The Gift has consistently established itself as an actors' theatre, consistently eschewing directorial cleverness for honest, powerful connections between the actors and the audience. With the conception of The Lab-an ensemble-only forum dedicated to artistic growth and exploration-The Gift continues to deepen its commitment to the idea of 'ensemble' by training together on an ongoing basis. Previous and future instructors in The Lab include Sheldon Patinkin, Jeff Perry, Susan Messing, and Dr. Eric Forsythe.