On March 20th, 'The Secret Order of Revolutionary Operettists presents'...The Beastly Bombing or a Terrible Tale Of Terrorists Tamed By The Tangles Of True Love, at the Trap Door Theatre.
Cast members include: Tiffany Bedwell, Noah Durham, Matthew Gottlieb,John Gray, Michelle Hackman, Steve Konet, Alyssa Nicole Larson, Melissa Law, Andrew Luckenbill, Gabriel Pastrana, Alzan Pelesic and featuring Stephen Lydic as the President of the United States.
Libretto by: Julien Nitzberg
Music by: Roger Neill
Directed and Choreographed by: Kevin Remington
Originally directed in Los Angeles by: Julien Nitzberg
Musical Director: Michelle Hackman
Scenic Designer -Ewelina Dobiesz
Lighting Designer-Richard Norwood
Costume Designer- Iris Bainum-Houle
Sound Designer-Bob Rokos
Sound Engineer-Sam Lewis
Graphic Designers-Michal Janicki & Erin Tyler