SiNNERMAN Ensemble presents their second production, the world premiere of Sweet Confinement, written by Artistic Director Anna Carini and directed by Anna Bahow, a violent, hilarious and heartbreaking journey of five twenty-something friends. This fiercely dark comedy follows extreme circumstances that turn a bathroom into the setting for an unexpected reunion, where old wounds are torn open and healed again, individuals are tested and alliances are stretched to their limits. "Sweet Confinement delves into the dark side of our humanity under the pressure of tragedy, turning a spotlight onto the complex relationships that we experience as family, friends, and lovers," press notes state. Sweet Confinement runs ninety minutes without intermission. SiNNERMAN, formed out of a Steppenwolf Theatre summer program, is spelled with all caps except for the "i", and is named after the Nina Simone song.