A flower mysteriously reappears. A private "thought bubble" is revealed. Kindred spirits find each other in a cooking group. A famous thief steals away a friend. All these topics and more will be heard at Short Story Theatre's next storytelling event.
Short Story theatre will be performing on Thursday, May 23, at 7 p.m. at a new location - Cellar Gate, 524 Sheridan Road, in Highwood. Dinner or snacks and wine at 6:00 p.m., storytelling at 7:00 p.m. Cover fee: $5.00. Reservations at 847-748-8086.
Four storytellers will be sharing stories: Susan Block of Highland Park, Mary Lou Gilliam of Deerfield, Denise Kirshenbaum of Wilmette, and Donna Lubow of Riverwoods.
For more information, visit www.shortstorytheatre.com.Videos