The old saying, "The show must go on" is being put to the test. How will the show go on when theaters are shuttered in today's era of social distancing? Short Story Theatre, a popular story-telling group on Chicago's North Shore, which started in 2012, has its own true story to tell about this challenge. And like any good story it's got suspense, drama, and a happy ending.
"The story goes on," says Donna Lubow, co-founder and producer of the shows. "Just because we've been unable to present a live show - and of course, we can't - does NOT mean we won't still tell stories." How is the troupe telling them? Remotely. Since live, standing-room-only monthly performances at the candlelit Miramar Bistro in Highwood ended in March, they switched venues from the stage to the internet, presenting a free weekly show on line with a different storyteller each week. All of the Theatre's several hundred loyal followers receive a personal link by email or on Facebook. They click an audio file from phone, computer, any online device, and a recorded story is heard. It's like being in the audience, except there's no audience, not even the cost of a ticket. So, "Yes," Lubow says, "The show must go on. You can't hold a good idea down! After all, storytelling is the oldest profession!"
Storytellers include a line-up of regular people known in the community, as well as occasional professional storytellers. Recent storytellers have included Lou Greenwald with a story about whether you can teach an old doctor new tricks; Julie Isaacson with a story that will "make you plotz" about cemetery plots; Steve Sadin shares how he saved the Easter Bunny; Eizabeth Brown tries to capture a squirrel in her kitchen; Larry Glazer tells a hair-raising story about toupees; Bob Meyers relates how he was almost arrested for illegal gambling at age 9; Avinash Vaidya explains why he has four names, and in the most recent story Mike Lubow recalls the aroma of pizza in the 1950's.
To become part of their remote audience every week, follow Short Story Theatre on Facebook or email to get on the mailing list. Hear past stories that go back to May of this year, as well as a new one every week. The "world's oldest profession" is nothing if not adaptable. For more information on guidelines for stories and the roster of storytellers past and present, go to